Saturday, June 19, 2021

10 Simple & Easy Ways To Help Your Environment

Everyone knows they should care more about the environment, but lots of people believe it’s just not worth the time and trouble. Furthermore, it’s common to believe that one person making a change isn’t going to matter. If you hold these beliefs, think again.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said that the “single greatest environmental threat to human health” is air pollution and that it can determine a person's health life expectancy by 30%.

You might not be in a position to change the behaviour of millions of people, but you can take responsibility for your own actions and do your part. You can also influence others around you.

Use these easy strategies and do your part to support the environment:

1. Avoid wasting water. It’s true that the total amount of water in the world is constant. However, the amount of fresh water in the world is not. Fresh water is constantly trying to make its way to the ocean. And while water isn’t expensive in our part of the world, it’s not free either. Shower instead of taking a bath, turn off water whilst washing your teeth, flush the loo less often, only run the dishwasher and washing machine when full. Reuse old water from a bunch of flowers to water your plants.

2. Recycle your plastics. Plastics are one of the largest sources of pollution. Plastics can last for thousands of years and do a great deal of harm to birds and aquatic life. Look for recycling programs in your area and recycle your plastics.

3. Carpool. Fewer cars on the road burns less fuel and creates less Air pollution. You also don’t have to drive as often and can use the time more constructively. You could also use the time to socialise and get to know your work colleagues better. You will not only help the environment but will safe money too. Do you really need a car, if you have reliable public transport consider using that instead.

4. Recycle your grass. Over 10% of the solid waste in landfills is garden waste. Use a mulching mower to recycle your grass clippings. When placed in a landfill, grass clippings can hang around for decades or longer. Your recycle centre will be delighted  to take this from you and mix it in with other garden matter. Recycling your clippings is great for your lawn. It returns nitrogen and moisture to the ground. You can also avoid adding plastic trash bags to landfills.

5. Eat less meat. A cow requires a lot of land to raise. Raising a cow can also require a lot of pesticides, fertilizer, fuel, feed, and water. Cows and their manure also release a lot of methane into the environment.

Try eating a vegetarian dinner once a week. Many experts believe that it’s a healthier way to live. It’s certainly better for the environment.

6. Plant a tree. A tree can provide shade, beauty, and removes carbon dioxide from the air. The waste gas released from trees is oxygen. You can never have too many trees. Planting a tree can be a fun family activity.

7. Use less paper, think before your print if you need to print use 2 sides of the paper. Wrap presents in re useable paper or use a scarf. Hunt out old copy books that your kids have abandoned I am sure you will find loads of unused paper.

8. Shop with reusable bags. We buy a lot of stuff, and most of it ends up being placed in plastic bags. Switch over to reusable bags, and you’ll be doing your part to minimize the amount of plastics that are discarded each year. Use paper bags for sandwiches instead of using cling wrap or plastic.

9. Don't waste food, check your fridge before you shop. Try and only shop once a week that way you use up most items in your fridge before they go off. Stir fries and roasted veg is a great way to use up odds and ends and a wonderful way to get a variety of nutritious vitamins into your family.

10. Use less electric, turn off lights, turn down the thermostat a notch. Turn off radios, televisions and computers when not in use. Simple changes can really make a difference.

The Earth is our home, so it doesn’t make sense to pollute it. Each person can do their part to make our planet  a cleaner and healthier place to live in. It's up to all of use to protect our planet and show our kids the importance of reducing carbon emissions.

To learn more about how to protect your indoor living environment, check out more articles like this here... 

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